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What We Do

We bring together conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass powerful anti-corruption laws that stop political bribery, end secret money, and fix our broken elections.

You can learn more about the policies we support at

How We Do It

Together, we’re going around Congress. RepresentUs members bring powerful anti-corruption reforms to the ballot, where the people can vote for them directly. (No politicians required.)

In 2014, conservatives and progressives worked together to pass America’s first citywide Anti-Corruption Act in Tallahassee, Florida. Since then, voters have passed Anti-Corruption Acts and Resolutions in 30 cities and states across America.

In 2016, RepresentUs members passed the first statewide Anti-Corruption Act in South Dakota. Soon after, the state legislature brazenly repealed it.

In 2018, our members are fighting back in South Dakota with a statewide Anti-Corruption Amendment that politicians can’t repeal or change. And together, we’re headed to the ballot in 4-8 more states and dozens of cities nationwide.